The above picture is the Mosafinn farm in Voss, Hordaland, Norway, my Great Great Grandfather, Klas Knutson Mosafinn immigrated to America from this farm in 1844. Klas came to America and eventually settled on the shores of Simon Lake in Gilchrist Township in Pope County, Minnesota.
The lake in this picture is the beautiful lake in Voss that is called Vangsvatnet.
The lake in this picture is the beautiful lake in Voss that is called Vangsvatnet.
Genealogy research has been a great interest of mine for many years. I started doing research on my family lines when I was in my late teens and early 20's. This research was mainly on my grandparents and great grandparents. Then in the late 1990's we got our computer and my research took off from there. With the computer I could start a family tree program and once you start entering data you want to keep adding more and more people. The internet was helpful with the various sites available in Norway such as the Digitalarkivet. www.digitalarkivet.no/en
I am very thankful to have all the Norwegian ancestry I have. Norway is a beautiful country and I have ancestry from a variety of areas in Norway. I have been to a number of the areas but have several that I still need to get to. One of the things I have done is to set up a page on Facebook that is titled Beautiful Norway where I post pictures from the various trips I have taken to "beautiful" Norway. I would love to have you see them if you are on Facebook. Just type in Beautiful Norway in the search section of Facebook.
With all the research resources I gathered as I was researching my family, I started using those resources to help others in their ancestral research quests. It has been a "great joy" for me to have helped many people connect with their Norwegian roots and to have helped them find and see their ancestral farms in Norway.
Each summer I have been fortunate to help with the Brekke Tours, Sogn/Voss/Valdres Heritage Tour to Norway. I help with the genealogy research for the tour participants and make the arrangements for them to see their ancestral farms and perhaps meet relatives in Norway etc. This is the link to the Brekke Tours website: https://www.brekketours.com/
One of my reasons for setting up this website is to let people know of some of the resources I have available for searching and to make it a place to display family pictures and many of the pictures I have taken of beautiful Norway. As this website progresses I will be adding links to pages for other groups I belong to and research links for those who are doing research and are wondering what some of the research sites are. Also I will be adding a list of the resource items I have available to use. www.norwaygenealogybyjeanmarthaler.com/jeans-bygdeboslashker-and-other-resource-books.html
This site is a "work in progress" as time allows. Please feel free to contact me for genealogy questions you might have and I will try and help you or lead you in the right direction.
Jean Marthaler
I am very thankful to have all the Norwegian ancestry I have. Norway is a beautiful country and I have ancestry from a variety of areas in Norway. I have been to a number of the areas but have several that I still need to get to. One of the things I have done is to set up a page on Facebook that is titled Beautiful Norway where I post pictures from the various trips I have taken to "beautiful" Norway. I would love to have you see them if you are on Facebook. Just type in Beautiful Norway in the search section of Facebook.
With all the research resources I gathered as I was researching my family, I started using those resources to help others in their ancestral research quests. It has been a "great joy" for me to have helped many people connect with their Norwegian roots and to have helped them find and see their ancestral farms in Norway.
Each summer I have been fortunate to help with the Brekke Tours, Sogn/Voss/Valdres Heritage Tour to Norway. I help with the genealogy research for the tour participants and make the arrangements for them to see their ancestral farms and perhaps meet relatives in Norway etc. This is the link to the Brekke Tours website: https://www.brekketours.com/
One of my reasons for setting up this website is to let people know of some of the resources I have available for searching and to make it a place to display family pictures and many of the pictures I have taken of beautiful Norway. As this website progresses I will be adding links to pages for other groups I belong to and research links for those who are doing research and are wondering what some of the research sites are. Also I will be adding a list of the resource items I have available to use. www.norwaygenealogybyjeanmarthaler.com/jeans-bygdeboslashker-and-other-resource-books.html
This site is a "work in progress" as time allows. Please feel free to contact me for genealogy questions you might have and I will try and help you or lead you in the right direction.
Jean Marthaler